Welcome to The Therapy Show! I’m your host Lisa Mustard, LMFT.
My goal is to provide value to the talk therapy and counseling field by bringing in-depth and exciting interviews with experts, experienced practitioners and other interesting people within our profession.
My hope is my guests make a positive impact on you, your work and career and ultimately for your clients.
Guests will range from specialists and experts in the clinical world, as well as those who have pivoted their skill sets and are doing something different and unique now, like writing books, motivational speaking, creating online businesses, health and wellness coaching, life coaching, marketing and consulting …or maybe they are other helping and health professionals who can give a different perspective when working with certain issues or populations.
Thank you for being here and I look forward to serving you! Stay tuned as I am working to turn some of the podcasts in continuing education hours.
Be sure to head over to www.lisamustard.com and subscribe to the podcast! Thank you.